Personally, the biggest thing that I learned was to trust in His perfect timing, His perfect provision, His perfect love --- ultimately, nothing that we could do, that I could do, be it preparation, or planning, or nitpicking, could hope to rise to the heights that He brought us as a group to this ST ~ He let us see so many little things that showed He was working hard, and He revealed little things to us here and there, over and over again when we so didn't deserve it... the people who came up to us and thanked us for this music that we didn't deserve to give, who shared with us how much they were moved, whose lives touched ours for just that small second - all these we did not deserve to see or have, but God graciously gave them to us...
He's definitely brought us close this year as sisters, and relationships are really something that only He can give us in this way - who else could possibly grant such a blessing? Our lives have not just touched, they've intersected! And we move along in a kinda parallel path... we don't know necessarily how much longer we'll have to spend with each other, how much longer we'll be intersecting in this way... maybe in the future, some of us will lose touch, or some of us will grow closer, or anything inbetween and beyond. True, we don't know our futures, but at the same time, we know our future so surely and so completely - I'm confident that though we may lose communication with each other, that as we walk alongside our God and Savior and Lover, we will never lose the love that we have for each other, or the love that ties us together deeper than the bonds of human blood, or of human communication or trust - we're tied by the blood of Christ that was shed for us once for all... and nothing can tear that apart.
I'm excited for what next year will bring... whatever it is... and this year as well, as we draw to a close in the next two months... :)
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